The animal conservation parks of Fuengirola, Valencia and the Aquarium of Gijón, with the support of the BIOPARC Foundation, are joining the World Lemur Festival to raise awareness of the critical situation of extinction faced by this icon of Madagascar and to mobilise for its protection.
The immense biodiversity of our planet is our greatest treasure and there are still some areas that are true jewels. Among them, Madagascar is, possibly, the most valuable of all. The unusual evolution of the largest of the African islands has led to 98% of mammals, 91% of reptiles and 80% of plants are not found anywhere else in the world, in other words, are endemic from Malagasy territory.
Unfortunately, the devastating human action in the destruction of their habitat has turned this situation of isolation into their greatest threat. The conservation community warned of the terrible consequences and just 10 years ago World Lemur Day was established as a cry for help for the most emblematic of its animals.
World Lemur Day 2024.
La BIOPARC Foundation and animal conservation parks de Fuengirola, Valencia and Gijón Aquarium join this initiative of the Lemur Conservation Network created by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) primate specialist group. The aim is to unite forces by bringing together all the organisations working to protect lemurs from extinction and, in this way, raise awareness and mobilise for their conservation.
The data is overwhelming because All populations of more than 100 lemur species are in decline, 98% are threatened and more than 30% are critically endangered.
The BIOPARCs are fully committed to the environment and one of the most recognized spaces is the faithful recreation of Madagascar habitatsThe parks of Fuengirola and Valencia are home to the greatest variety of lemur species in Spain, All of them are classified as “endangered” or “critically endangered” according to the IUCN Red List.. And they actively participate in its preservation within the International controlled breeding programmes (EEP) that under scientific criteria of the greatest specialists, try to ensure their survival.
The animal care equipment They ensure that they provide them with the maximum well-being and for people who visit the parks the experience is unique, because the design of zoodipping allows them to Walk among them and admire them like never before.. A huge baobab tree welcomes you to the BIOPARC in Malaga, where you can see the black lemurs (Eulemur macaque), red-collared (Varecia rubra), with a black and white collar (Varecia variegata) and the well-known ring-tailed ones (Lemur catta). In the capital of the Turia, in addition to these last three species, you can observe the natural behavior of the red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer), the red-fronted (Eulemur Rufus) and the mongoose (Eulemur mongoz), the latter in Spain is only found at BIOPARC Valencia.
The Lemur Festival, an initiative of the Lemur Conservation Network.
El Lemur Festival takes place every last Friday in October, this year on the 25th, and BIOPARC is participating in the dissemination of this proposal. Today more than ever, lemurs need our attention, so we encourage all the people who share a love for animals and nature to join this fight to save them and that the World Lemur Day truly be a cause for joy and celebration.
Special activities at BIOPARC Valencia to celebrate World Lemur Day.
In order to ensure that the largest number of families can participate, 26 special actions have been scheduled for this Saturday in Valencia which complement the extensive agenda of free activities. From 11:00 to 13:00, there will be guided tours to the island of Madagascar, where you can learn more about these incredible species and at the same time, the Storytelling Theater will host a fun lemur mask workshop.